Saturday, February 5, 2011

Community of Friends

Portion this week:  Exodus 25:1 thru 27:19

Moses is on top of Mount Sinai getting specific (VERY) instructions on how to build the tent of meeting. 

There will be more than enough for everyone to do!  Specific skills and supplies are needed.  The Israelites can have feel ownership as they build a house of worship.

This is going to be a very big tent!  Not just a couple of people, but an entire community can meet together once the curtains are up.

Last week's portion gave a description of 70 leaders who heard & saw God's vision before Moses was called up to the top of the mountain.   The entire community received a vision and a task.

We needed a community this week.  The Haifa apartment we thought was going to be the perfect solution was so NOT.  There was no heat. We spent just one freezing night in the apartment.  

 Friday night I met a woman who had lived in Russia for ten years; she said Siberia felt WARMER than Haifa because the building construction and heaters were equipped for the climate. 

Homeless in Haifa, we set out calling friends.  It's not so easy to ask for help, but several phone calls later, we were on our way to temporary shelter.  We asked and help came from many people in the form of emails, coffee, phone calls and.....

Now we are staying in a spacious, beautiful home that is neither really warm nor equipped with hot water, but has a view of the Mediterranean and two fun roommates! 

This morning we donned our 'interpretor headsets' among a community of worshippers in 'downtown' Haifa. 

Still learning! 

Israel sure is noisy....

Thank you for reading Saturday Chores.

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